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Results for "content_type: Practicing Democracy Project"
Honoring Sojourner Truth (PDP) Celebrating the life of one of the greatest abolitionists and suffragists of all times.
Birthday of Corita Kent (PDP) Honoring the nun, pop artist, and educator.
Birthday of Robert Kennedy (PDP) Acknowledging the energy, courage, flexibility, and wisdom of an icon of the 1960s.
Birthday of Dorothy Day (PDP) An opportunity to firm up our commitments to service of others, peace, and justice.
Birthday of Eugene V. Debs (PDP) Honoring an ardent advocate of liberty and peace.
Birthday of Vandana Shiva Honoring the Indian scholar, author, and eco-feminist who believes that whoever controls seed controls the Earth.
Birthday of Will Rogers (PDP) Remembering the cowboy philosopher who saw the funny side of politics.
Birthday of Theodore Roosevelt (PDP) A salute to maximum aliveness and the strenuous life.
Birthday of Arthur Miller (PDP) A tribute to the writer who explored the different meanings of the American dream.
Birthday of William Penn (PDP) Remembering the Quaker leader who was an ardent advocate of liberty and peace.